
E. Eean McNaughton Architects
is a full-service design firm known regionally and nationally
for excellence in architecture, historic architecture, urban
design and master planning with a diverse list of accomplishments
and experience. E. Eean McNaughton, FAIA and the firm have received
numerous awards, and our work appears regularly in professional,
arts and popular publications.
Our experience includes a wide
variety of project types each with demanding programs, sites,
budgets and schedules requiring creative, and often innovative,
design solutions. Quite often we are selected to take a leadership
role in the design of large, complex, and significant public
sector projects. The quality of our work is documented by the
success of these projects and, more importantly, satisfied clients
and users.

Our buildings are designed in
harmony with "place" cultural, climatic, natural
and contextual. The firms projects have incorporated the
principles of sustainable architecture in site planning and building
design for over 25 years. We have a dedicated interest in our
projects throughout their entire life cycle. Working with our
clients, our intent is to create timeless buildings that can
accept change and reduce maintenance while improving and enriching
the quality of the built environment.